The Monthly Mantra for March

Welcome to another month of working with Onward! This month as we move into Chapter 10, we explore the habit of creativity and play, the disposition of courage and take a dive into flow.

Here at Onward, we are offering a monthly mantra that will go with the habit and disposition for the month. Our hope is that this month you might have some time, maybe even possibly spring break, to explore play and creativity. Elena shares in the opening of Chapter 10: “Creativity and play unlock our inner resources for dealing with stress, solving problems, and enjoying life. When we are creative, we are resourceful, and we problem-solve in new and original ways, which fuels our courage. Our thinking expands, and our connections with ourselves deepen.”

So we offer you this mantra for March that focuses on opening yourself up as you cultivate resilience: I am an open channel to creative energy.” Allow this mantra to be empowering especially if this habit pushes you outside of your comfort zone. Hopefully you were following us last month and played around with the mantra we offered. If mantras are new to you, explore the uses and benefits here.

Have fun exploring the many uses of mantras as you seek out opportunities to be playful and creative this month. Share your stories in the comments to help build our community here.